Golden Bear C12 Battery Cord Strapping Tensioner

Golden Bear  C12 Battery Cord Strapping Tensioner

The Golden Bear CS12 Cord Tensioner is a new cord strapping tool designed for composite and woven strapping of width 3/4 inch to 1-1/2 inch. It is a mid-duty cord tensioner and features the latest brushless motor that adds to the tools efficiency. At just 8 lbs, this is one of the lightest tools in its segment.

Convenience & Speed

The CS12 is a new battery cord tensioner designed for high level of convenience. It has improved features and technologies than earlier tools. Operators will find it to be among the most convenient cord tensioners they can come across. Using it doesn’t require dragging around any heavy pneumatic lines. Its battery is capable of completing up to 300 cycles per charge. Besides, its light weight makes it an even easier and mobile tool to use.

Perfect Mid-Duty Strapping Tool

The CS12 HD Tensioner is the perfect mid-duty strapping tool. It can generate up to 1,200 lbs of tension in high-torque mode, which is more than enough power for most strapping applications. It makes use of a Milwaukee fuel M12 drill for delivering very high tensioning force and for reliable operations. You will not have to worry about the motor or board having any issues. It is quite easy and cost-effective to replace the drivers.

The C11 Cord Tensioner is an upgrade over the CS12. This tool is designed for heavy duty applications and is capable of generating up to 2,700 lbs of tension force.

Highly Efficient Cord Tensioner

This cord strapping tool features the latest motor and battery technology to deliver highly efficient operation. It has a new brushless motor and lithium ion battery to minimize maintenance and tool repair, and increase the tool’s lifespan. This new motor and battery combo also helps in getting more out of longer shifts.

This Golden Bear cord tensioning tool has been engineered for efficiency, convenience and high performance. It has guides and plates featuring better design that make it easy to deal with different types of straps. It requires almost no effort from the operator for removing the tensioner from the strap.

Safety Features

Since this is a new battery cord tensioner at all levels, it has unique safety features that ensure that operator hands are safe at all times. The strapping tool has sensor technology for detecting presence of operator hands or any kind of obstruction under the strapping. The moment it detects any object under the strap, it will automatically cut off the tension.

You can readily find the CS12 wear parts and accessories available with Allstrap.

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